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Exploring the Benefits of Outsourcing Slide Scanning

If your lab is not ready to invest in a digital pathology scanner, you may still be able to take advantage of digital pathology by outsourcing your slide scanning needs to a reputable scanning service. These services offer high-quality scanning of glass slides using state-of-the-art equipment, allowing you to obtain digital images of your tissue specimens without the upfront costs of purchasing a scanner. By outsourcing your slide scanning, you can also avoid the ongoing maintenance and support costs associated with owning a scanner. Additionally, many scanning services offer quick turnaround times, enabling you to access digital images of your slides more rapidly than if you were to perform the scanning in-house. While outsourcing slide scanning may incur additional costs, it can be a cost-effective option for labs that are not yet ready to invest in their own digital pathology scanner. PathPixel is here to help you find the right services for your scanning needs

Company Name
Hyperpath Solutions
Iron Mountain
Myer Instruments
Quorum Technologies

This data is an attempt to compile the various tools available for digital pathology solutions.  Submit your feedback for additions, corrections, questions or comments. 

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